For as long as I can remember I’ve had an interest and love for the Lord. I remember reading a children’s bible or more likely looking at the pictures at the age of 5. I was baptized and went to catholic school through 2nd grade. Musically during these years, I arranged pots and pans on the living room floor and hit them with wooden spoons. I loved to play along with whatever music my Mom was listening to. After 2nd grade, my family moved and even though we stopped attending church my faith in the goodness of Jesus Christ and what he sacrificed stayed with me. At the age of 8 my parents got me a drum set. I immediately could play to the radio. I Knew this was a gift from God. In my teen years my best friend invited me to his youth group and church. It was a non-denominational Christian Church. I loved it there. I had found my new home. I no longer considered myself a catholic. I was baptized and born again. At the age of 14 I joined my 1st rock group and at 15 we had our 1st paying gig. In high school, I was in Marching, Jazz and Symphonic Bands. I also joined the Choir and Vocal Ensemble. The Vocal Ensemble traveled to hospitals and nursing homes bringing joy and lifting the spirits of the people there. I’ll never forget the smiles on their faces. Senior year I was elected Band President and received a scholarship to study music in college. Throughout these years I continued to go to youth group but was not putting God 1st. In college I began to backslide. I went to parties every week and began to drink several times a week. I studied music management and classical performance. I was a member of the New Jersey Percussion Ensemble, New Music Ensemble, Concert Choir, Pit Band and Symphony Orchestra. I treasure the education and relationships I made there but soon realized that my passion was to play rock-n-roll. I left school, got a job and played gigs every weekend for most of my adult life. I was backsliding. Doing things my way not Gods way. Since 2005 I felt a tugging on my heart to play for the Lord and in 2014 I was blessed to meet and be asked to join the Christian rock band Romans Road. It has been amazing . Using my gifts for the Lord is the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. Through working with Romans Road I have met and continue to meet many wonderful brothers and sisters and It is an honor and a privilege to be able to serve with them in the Coalition to Save Lives. Sharing the love of Jesus Christ with others is why we’re all here I look forward to the future and can’t wait to see what God has in store for us.
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