2016 Save a Life Tour – Stop # 5 – Reading, PA

Reading Team

May 21st 2016 Save a Life Tour Stop # 5 in Reading, PA

Surely enough it was pouring once again as we drove to Reading for Stop # 5. A few people even thought we would throw in the towel, but the Devil does not have a foothold with Coalition to Save Lives. We trusted in God to provide a window in the 100% rain forecast for us to have the Save a Life Tour in Reading, and Provide he did! God is glorious and merciful, and has led us to preach the Gospel everywhere as it states in Mark 16:20. over a hundred came and ate, listened to great music from 5 acts, and a Powerful and Passionate Sermon from Pastor Steve Olivo from the Hope Rescue Mission. Over 300 lbs of donated clothing were distributed, and thousands of prayers were lifted to God in the Name of Jesus Christ. We also heard two great testimonies from residents at the Mission, and saw 27 people nail their burdens to the cross, trusting in God to help them break free…

Below are some videos and photos from the day…

Pastor Steve Olivo, the Program Director at Hope Rescue Mission shared his testimony with us, his passionate plea for everyone to know our one true God, to seek refuge in Him, reach out to Him, and serve Him with everything that is in us.

Bringing our burdens to the Lord, is the centerpiece of every Save a Life Tour, trusting in Him to break the chains that have bound us to disbelief, freeing us from depression, anxiety, addiction, unforgiveness, He Loves us and his will for us is Joy, and Peace…nailing our burdens on the cross is our way of asking Jesus into our lives…

Act of Mercy – Scott Lord

James Harvey – Think of Three


Romans Road

Headstone 118

And here are some pictures from the day…You can click and open the whole gallery.


Click on the Above Photo for a Printable Version of the Flyer

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