5 am and it is raining…7 am as we load the trailer, still raining, 8:30 as we arrive in Crum Lynne, it is pouring. Lord show us what to do. Lead us to your will. Just do as I said is the answer…don’t cancel, don’t move inside. Do as you were told.
Yes Lord God we will set up, we will try to stay dry, keep the equipment from damage, we will do as you instructed. We are disciples.
12:55 PM 5 minutes till Save a Life Tour Stop # 3, God reminds us of his Word in Mark 4. As Jesus completed his Sermon on the Mount, he and the disciples embark across the lake when a storm came upon them and the disciples feared for their lives. Just as we feared for Save a Life Tour. Jesus got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”. In the same way, 2000 years later, God cleared the skies at that moment, and the Son poured out on Crum Lynne and Save a Life Tour, he then asked us the same question…”Do you still have no faith?”
Within an hour people were hiding from the sun under the tents we set up to hide from the rain! God is So Good!
The Praise Center, led by Pastor Kim Larson, also showed up big time! Such hearts for the Will of the Lord! So willing to set their lives aside and work for Him. We were truly blessed by this team. Setting up, working hard all day, and tearing down this team never stopped! Thank you all!
And then there was this…a message Monday morning from the Praise Center…
How Glorious is our God!! How can this group of sinners ever expect such beauty!?! With God all things are possible!!
Here is a small representation of this Glorious Day the Lord Has made:
Click the Photo for a Printable Version of the Flyer
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